McKinleyville Union School District Home

photo of Superintendent Giannini Previde

Superintendent's Message

August 1, 2024

Welcome to McKinleyville Schools and the 2023-24 School Year!  We are excited to welcome our students and staff back to school!

Our schools offer the very best for our families, including:
*Research Based Literacy Instruction for ALL.  Over the last two years our elementary teachers took on a HUGE professional learning challenge.  The vast majority have completed over 160 hours of training in the Science of Reading. Most of our veteran staff are LETRS (Language Essentials for Teachers of Reading and Spelling) trained and we will offer the training to any new staff beginning in the fall of 2023. This is the gold standard for reading teachers and we are so very proud of our staff for their commitment!

*Multi-tiered Systems of Support.  All of our school staff have been trained in MTSS and our site and district Leadership teams use data to design programs to support students and staff.  Students are provided the proactive support they need to succeed both academically as well as socially and emotionally.  Last fall all three schools were recognized for their implementation of MTSS by the CA PBIS Coalition!

*Expanded Learning Programs.  ELP provides expanded learning opportunities before school, after school, during week long breaks and during the summer recess.  Students are provided with enrichment of all kinds, snacks and supper service, field trips, and sports programs starting as early as TK/Kindergarten.  All programming is currently free of charge due to increased funding at the state level.

*Extensive Elective Programs at McKinleyville Middle School.  A dedicated middle school program allows MMS to offer a full time school counselor, a full array of athletic teams, lab science, subject area expert teachers and an extensive array of electives including: a full Art studio with units in drawing, painting, sculpture, ceramics, screen printing and more; Music classes including band, guitar class, and choir; Spanish Language through high school level two, Leadership, Journalism/Newspaper, Yearbook, Current Events and Creative Writing, as well as academic and homework supports.

*Art and Music Programs are expanding at all school sites.  This year we will expand to a full time music and full time art teacher for our TK-5 students.  Students at all three schools will have access to high quality art and music during the school day!

*Partnership with Two Feathers Family Services to provide services to our Native Youth.  And with the Humboldt Independent Practice Association School Based Wellness Programs to provide Girls Group, Boys to Men, and Pride Group for middle school students.

*STEAM and Spanish Immersion Options for all students.  McKinleyville Schools has offered Spanish Immersion for over 20 years.  Our Spanish Immersion students learn to read and write in Spanish in Kindergarten and first grade and then move to a 50/50 Spanish/English Model in 3rd grade.  Immersion students are offered academic Spanish at the middle school level and many test into Spanish three in high school.  We also offer a STEAM focus in our school Kindergarten-Fifth grade.  Students are given opportunities to use the Design Engineering Process to problem solve weekly.  Our middle school students visit our little learners to provide collaborative STEAM learning a few times each year and our STEAM focused students can continue their learning in middle school by taking a Maker’s Lab elective or an advanced Art class.

*Updated Strategic Plan to guide our work into the next decade!  With input from our entire community, we have developed our Goals and a District Scorecard to ensure transparency and accountability to our community.
Staff Recognition and Reward System Development.  We are also committed to creating an exceptional working environment for our employees.  This year we will work to create a system for recognizing staff excellence and improvement.
And we aren’t stopping there!  We have big goals for the coming year, including:
*Standards of Excellence:  As we continue to develop our Strategic Plan and create a collective focus, we will be working with staff to determine what excellence in education looks like.  And then…we will reward that excellence!

*A Focus on Math instruction at all levels: While we cover all areas of curriculum, our focus since the school closures of COVID has been Literacy.  This year, we will continue to work to ensure kids can read and also revisit our math as a vital part of a well rounded education.

*Community Schools Grant Award at Dow’s Prairie:  Dow’s Prairie is thrilled to announce they have been awarded over 1 million in grant funds over the next five years to provide additional mental and emotional health support to our youngest learners and their families.

*Community Engagement Initiative:  We were also granted funds for training and collaboration around improved outreach with our community partners and families.  Excited to work with our district team, including students, to get better for you!

*And…the we keep working for additional grant funds.  Our application has been submitted for the highlyl competitive School Based Mental Health Grant to further support Morris and McKinleyville Middle.  We have our fingers crossed for a positive email in September!
I am grateful to work in this community and I welcome you to contact me if I can be of service.  

Ms. Julie Giannini Previde

Recent News

2024 Board Meeting Schedule

School Board Meeting Schedule

We invite you to attend our monthly school board meetings. Attending is a key way to get involved and make a positive impact on our district.

Volunteers Welcomed

We are so pleased to be able to welcome Volunteers again!
Follow this link to find the procedures that will enable you to be one of our highly appreciated volunteers.
