Expanded Learning Programs » Contact us

Contact us

By phone 707.840.3807 or you can call Dow's Praire or Morris school sites and press 5.
When emailing about your student please include their name, school & grade.
-Thank you


Dow's Prairie (TK-2)

Afterschool Site Coordinator

Name: Jared Vodden

[email protected]

 Homeroom 40


Morris (3-5) MMS (6)

Afterschool Site Coordinator

Name: Amanda Fowler

[email protected]

Homeroom 36


McKinleyville Union School District

Bryson Pires


[email protected]


Dawn Small

Athletic Director

[email protected]


Zoe Meehan

Assistant Director/Enrichment Workshops

[email protected]


Vin Weldon


[email protected]


Remember when picking up your student dial the ELP main line 707.840.3807 or the school site office wait for outgoing message and press "5" to be transferred to the ELP main line.

press 2 for Dow's Prairie Homeroom 

press 3 for Morris Homeroom